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Statement on federal lawsuit (April 11, 2019)

While MSU cannot comment on the specifics of an ongoing lawsuit, we applaud the courage of all survivors who come forward to tell their story as we continue to listen and learn from them.

Since 2015, we have worked to improve our prevention and response efforts, especially for survivors who have to navigate complex systems and try to make informed decisions under difficult circumstances. We acknowledge it has been a challenge in the past for students, faculty, and staff to find resources, so we created the Know More campaign in Fall 2018 to help educate students about the services and programs here to support them. We have put more attention and resources into improved counseling services, created a dedicated office for Prevention, Education and Outreach within the Title IX office, and we are adding a SANE program to help those on campus who have been assaulted.

We are committed to listening to survivors who bravely tell us about their experiences so that we can improve our response and help those who seek support in the future.

-Emily Gerkin Guerrant, MSU Spokesperson