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President Stanley: Statement on resignation of Senior Vice President Stephen Hsu (June 19, 2020)

President Samuel L. Stanley Jr., M.D., announced today that Stephen Hsu, senior vice president for research and innovation, is resigning from his leadership position and returning to a tenured faculty position, effective July 1.

“I believe this is what is best for our university to continue our progress forward. The exchange of ideas is essential to higher education, and I fully support our faculty and their academic freedom to address the most difficult and controversial issues. But when senior administrators at MSU choose to speak out on any issue, they are viewed as speaking for the university as a whole. Their statements should not leave any room for doubt about their, or our, commitment to the success of faculty, staff and students.”

Stanley plans to appoint an interim senior vice president in the coming days and will consult with the Academic Governance Steering Committee on this selection in accordance with university policies.