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President Stanley: Statement on MSU employee's discipline (July 14, 2020)

MSU employee Mark Geahan was disciplined Monday and will not be returning to the university. MSU President Samuel L. Stanley Jr., M.D., issued the following statement in response:

“To say I was repulsed by the reprehensible racial epithet uttered by a MSU employee last month would be an understatement. Mr. Geahan’s hateful and deeply disturbing comments are in no way reflective of our Spartan values or our steadfast belief that Black Lives Matter.

“As I have stated, MSU is committed to dismantling and eradicating systemic and structural racism within our community. Incidents such as this point up the importance of the mandatory DEI education and development all students, faculty and staff will complete the this fall. This important and necessary work must continue to make certain all members of our community feel supported and safe on our campus. I remain committed to that work and I call on all Spartans to join me in the pursuit of a safer, more inclusive and welcoming university for all.”