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Update On Lump-Sum Health Care Payment (Jan. 15, 2014)

A lump-sum health care payment was to be paid in January 2014 to all active benefits-eligible employees represented by one of the eight support staff bargaining units. The payment was a result of the Health Care Memorandum of Understanding between the university and the Joint Health Care Committee, effective Jan. 1, 2014. Affected unions include AFSCME Local 999, AFSCME Local 1585, APA, APSA, CTU, FOP, IATSE 274, and IUOE 324. Non-bargained-for, benefits-eligible support staff employees also were going to receive a lump sum payment from a separate payment pool as long as they were actively employed as of Jan. 1.

A class-action lawsuit challenging the payment has buen filed against the university and the coalition of unions. The portion of the payment that is not in dispute will be included in your January paycheck. However, in response to that lawsuit, the portion of the payment that is in dispute has been withheld and may be subject to court oversight until the court issues a ruling on the lawsuit.

The university is working to resolve this matter as quickly as possible and intends to vigorously defend against the lawsuit. Additional information will be forthcoming when available.