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Proposal 2 Policy Statement (Updated April 22, 2014)

On April 22, 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court by a 6-2 vote upheld Michigan’s Proposal 2, a voter-approved state constitutional amendment banning preferential treatment on the basis of race and gender when hiring employees or enrolling students at public colleges and universities.

In light of the Supreme Court’s decision upholding Proposal 2, inclusion remains one of the fundamental values at MSU. We recognize the role diversity plays in a vital intellectual community and the benefits of learning with people from different backgrounds and perspectives, while also recognizing that our efforts to have broad representation on our campus must be consistent with federal and state law.

MSU’s approach to admissions has always consisted of a holistic review of each student’s application taking into consideration a range of factors. Consistent with Proposal 2, MSU’s holistic review does not grant preferential treatment based on race and gender for admission of students. We’ve expanded recruiting efforts geographically as one approach to advance diversity among the student body. At all times, Michigan State University’s practices have been in compliance with the law.

—President Lou Anna K. Simon