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Statement on converting women's study lounge (Aug. 31, 2016)

As MSU continued to evaluate facilities and programs to ensure access for all students, the space that has historically been used as a women’s study lounge in the MSU Union has been converted into a quiet study lounge that is open to all students. Part of the project also includes an expanded women's restroom with lactation space. This decision was reached to ensure access for all students, consistent with the university’s federal Title IX obligations, and not as the result of any one individual’s complaint. The redesign and construction of the space was completed in August 2016.

MSU is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and inclusive campus for all students. As part of that commitment, all students should be able to study and utilize campus spaces without experiencing harassment or discrimination. Students experiencing harassment or discrimination are encouraged to report it to MSU’s Office of Institutional Equity, and where violations of MSU’s policy are found, individuals will be held accountable. By reporting and addressing such behaviors we can send a clear and decisive message that harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated on our campus, and together we can cultivate a campus community where all students feel safe.