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Statement on Gov. Snyder’s budget proposal (Feb. 8, 2017)

MSU appreciates the governor's proposal to increase the overall funding for higher education by 2.5 percent and acknowledges his commitment to reinvesting in higher education for the fifth straight year. However, we remain concerned that our state’s tier-one research universities continue to lag behind the reinvestment in the overall higher education budget.

In addition, we are encouraged the governor is proposing to begin reinvesting in state financial aid for Michigan’s students. A strong higher education sector is essential to the state’s economic prosperity. An educated workforce is one of our state’s most critical assets in leading Michigan’s economic recovery. Today’s proposal is an important step toward that end.

We look forward to working with the governor, lawmakers and key leaders from across the state as the higher education budget process moves forward.

--Mark A. Burnham, vice president for Governmental Affairs