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President Trump’s final FY18 budget proposal (May 23, 2017)

We are deeply concerned about the President’s fiscal year 2018 budget proposal released this morning. The proposed cuts to basic research funding and student aid are not only short-sighted, but they represent a significant threat to our nation’s ability to be globally competitive and to be a world leader of basic science. A prime example is the proposed cut of $17 million from the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). This project, which is currently on budget and ahead of schedule, would now be delayed and the total costs are estimated by the DOE to increase by $20 million. Sadly, the impact on FRIB is just one example of how the cuts across the federal science agencies will affect America. These cuts will not make us great, they won’t even keep us in the running.
--Mark A. Burnham, vice president for Governmental Affairs