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Statement from MSU, UM leaders on football game (Oct. 5, 2017)

Our shared and storied football legacy resumes Saturday evening when the University of Michigan hosts Michigan State University for the 110th contest since our first meeting in 1898.

Though longtime rivals on the field, our two great universities remain strongly united in our dedication to the health and safety of our students, alumni, and communities, and to the people of the state of Michigan we represent to the world.

Together, we call on all who celebrate our rivalry with us to do so respectfully, responsibly and safely.

A night game creates added concern for our university families at local gatherings and on the road. If you drink, practice moderation. If you drive, don’t drink. We are resolved that Spartans Will Stay Safe, and that Wolverines Stay in the Blue.

Be a good friend, neighbor, and yes, opponent. Represent us with civility, good sense and sportsmanship, so we can all enjoy the drama where it belongs—on the field.

Thank you, and let’s make Saturday a proud day for both of our communities.

Mark S. Schlissel
President, University of Michigan

Lou Anna K. Simon
President, Michigan State University

Lorenzo Santavicca
President, Associated Students of Michigan State University

Anushka Sarkar
President, Central Student Government, University of Michigan